Summer's Tale
Chapter Seven: Eleven roses.
“Hey Summer, can I pick you up for dinner tonight?” Sean leaned at the car’s door before I reached out to open it. “Your house, your chef?” “I was thinking, other restaurant, other chef.” I giggled. “Okay whatever, as long as it’s your bill.” “We have different minds. I was thinking, this time your bill!” “Well, Edward should learn how to read Bella’s mind then!” “Difficult, difficult …” He mumbled. “Try harder then!” I laughed and pushed him aside.
I stood in front of the door, waiting anxiously for Sean’s car. Dad wasn’t home yet and so it was easier to persuade my Mom, well persuading by one of my own made-up-lies of course. “Mom, I’m going for a study group at Sean’s house alright? Kate, Corrine, they’ll be there too.” My lies sucked most of the time. I just hope this one would work just a little bit longer. Or maybe I should think of some excuses, just in case Mom found out. Who knows, she could have suddenly popped up the idea on wondering what were we studying or maybe what did we had for dinner and ring up Kate or Corrine. Then, I would be busted and following by few weeks of grounded days.
I wore a casual white T-shirt, with the word, You + Me = Us on it and a mini short, which Mom asked me tons of time not to wear them, but I still insist. Corrine’s Mom used to say, This is the only time when you can show off your pretty, sexy and long legs, so appreciate them. You won’t be wearing them when you’re old like me anymore. I wished my Mom could think like that. But oh well, I always use the same old reason, I’ve already bought it so, done. Besides, I even had to pick a few text books, or else Mom would definitely question me, “Study group without books. Are you still gonna study then?” She would say that.
I sighed, thinking how difficult it is for me to get out of my house. But my mood lightened up a little, when my phone rang, “You’re the best thing I never knew I needed …” Sean’s picture was showed on the screen.
“Yello.” “Hey love.” “What took you so long, hun?” “I bought you something.” “What is it?” “Guess you’ll have to wait.” “Fine, you this sneaky little fella’.” “I’ll be there in a few seconds.” “I’ll be counting.” He chuckled. “I’m just around the corner, okay?” “Alright, see ya, xoxo love.” “…” “Sean?” The phone went dead for a sudden. Sean never hung up my phone. He seldom does that. No, he never does that. What happened then? His battery went dead? He pressed the wrong button? He ran out of credits? Okay, I’m over-reacting. My body shivered. Is this supposed to be how I feel? Was it because of my first date? No, clearly not.
It took my mind a few seconds to sort out the possibilities.
I heard a car screeching at the end of the street following by a loud crash. I gasped. I ran as fast as I could. I felt pain in my heart. Don’t all the stories say that when something happened to someone you loved you would feel like, a pang in your heart? “No, no, it couldn’t be Sean.” I clutched my chest. A lot of pedestrians ran towards where the terrible accident occurred. In no time, a large crowd began to form. From far, I saw somebody lying on the road, unconscious and I smelled blood as I got closer.
Yes, there were a lot of bloods. I pushed away all the curious heads around and almost stopped breathing when I saw the body lying on the road. Nike sneakers, blue jeans, white shirt with two unbuttoned. I didn’t even glance up to the face. I didn’t dare. I didn’t need to. Sean wore that outfit to school, his favorite outfit.
Hot teardrops wetted my face. “How could this happen? How could this happen?” I repeated again and again. My hands covered my face and I kept on crying. I looked at the unfamiliar faces. For once, I was afraid of the crowd, as if the Devil of Death were just among them, only waiting for Sean’s last breathe to take his soul and life away. “Sean, you bought me something, show me, please. Open your eyes. Wake up, Sean!” Nobody, none of the pedestrians, not the old man, not the pregnant lady, not the little kid with the superman t-shirt offered a kind help, nor some comforting words.
In my blurry eyes, with the tears whirling and whirling around my eyes, I saw a man came running towards me. As the person got nearer, I saw his figure, his outfit. Nike sneakers, blue jeans, white shirt with two unbuttoned. Until my sight reached his face, “Summer!” He shouted as he saw me sitting among the crowd, and hurried to my side. “What happened?” I had a feeling that he came back to life. Or was I the one who got knocked down by another car? I was lost at words. “Summer, talk to me. What’s wrong?” He wiped off my tears and stroked my cheeks.
“Sean, oh Sean, I thought you were dead! I was so afraid …” I choked on my words. “Me? Dead? You gotta be kidding me.” “Nike sneakers, blue jeans, white shirt with two unbuttoned. He wore the exactly same outfit with you, Sean.” “So, why wasn’t I informed of the existence of Sean number two?” He smiled. “Okay look here, I’m strong and I’m alive.” He rolled up his sleeves and showed up his muscular arms. Immediately I hugged him tightly. He was surprised by my reaction, yet he let me held him for as long as I wanted.
“Alright love, now forget about what happened just now okay? It wasn’t Sean number one, it’s Sean number two. And I don’t give a damn on who the hell is that. So don’t you too.” We sat in the car for nearly 40 minutes. “Hey, give some respect to the poor guy. At least you both have something in common!” “I’m changing my style starting tomorrow onwards, seriously. Just in case you mistaken another dead body as me again.” I laughed lightheartedly. He kissed me on my cheek and whispered into my ears, “You love me more than you realized don’t you.” “Oh shut up self obsessed guy.” I stepped out of the car. I acted childishly and stomped my feet when I walked. My footsteps became smaller and slower, on purpose, in order for Sean to catch up. Retarded Sean. What’s taking him so long? I turned behind to look. Then somebody tapped my shoulder. “Miss me already?” “Yes self obsessed guy, can we go now?”
The restaurant seemed to be specially opened for couples. Only. I noticed that there aren’t any tables with more than two chairs. And every single one of them is lighted with a candle in the middle of the table. Soft music is played and a beautiful white piano was placed at the very corner of the restaurant. The romantic feeling is totally tuned up to the max. A girl with blonde hair tied up high, sleeveless hot pink top attracted my attention. She nearly crawled on the table in order to kiss her boyfriend at the opposite of the table. Why don’t they just sit on the same chair? That would be easier. I thought annoyingly and glanced down back to my menu. Wait a second. She looked like someone I know. I tried to recall all the faces I know. Who was it, who was it. She looked like someone I know, but he doesn’t. Oh god, oh my goodness. I turned around to their table and looked again. Holy shit. Instantly, my body felt uneasy and I excused myself to the toilet.
April is cheating behind Carter. I filled the water in my palms and splashed on my face. “Shut up you son of a bitch.” The toilet door creaked opened and a girl cursed as she walked in. Her high heels made a click clank sound. As I turned around, about to leave, she knocked straight right to me. “What is wrong with you?” She got totally pissed and gawked at me. Her blonde hair swung and I gasped. April. “Well hi, look who I met here.” “Yello, April.” “Alone?” She teased. “No. You? With Carter I bet?” I tried to trick her. See if she falls. “Yea. We’re just leaving to his house.” She smirked and turned to the mirror to tidy her long fringe, which covered half of her face. “Oh really? Enjoy then.” Bitch. I muttered under my breath. Without waiting for her reply, I pushed the toilet door and left.
“What took you so long love?” Sean walked over to my seat and pulled the chair out for me. “Oh I got drowned in the toilet bowl.” I joked. “I truly appreciated the person who saved you.” Then a waiter approached us. He had a big black ribbon tied on his neck, with a bouquet of red roses on his hand. “Miss Summer Darren?” “Yes?” “Here.” I stood up embarrassingly and he handed the flowers to me. I could sense that a lot of eyes were looking at me. “You have big fans.” Sean chuckled as my cheeks turned pink. Thank goodness the place was dark. Sean would have teased me for blushing. I counted the number of flowers. “Eleven of red roses. You are my treasured one, the one I love most in life.” Sean said fluently. “Wow. I didn’t know you speak the flower language.” I flipped open the letter with my name beautifully written on it and took out the paper inside.
Don’t you misunderstand me, I really love you but I know it takes time to forget about your past mistakes. But I will be with you, I’m not trying to replace Carter’s place in your heart. I know how difficult it is and I don’t want to force you. I just hope that there’s still a little space left for me. I want to protect you from being hurt. It tears me apart seeing you with an unhappy face. Let me heal your broken heart, my lady.
“Oh Sean.” I ran over to his place and hugged him. Tears started to swell up my eyes. “It’s alright love. It’s alright, I understand.” His fingers played with my strands of hair and he kissed my cheek. “It all takes time I know. I can still see it in your eyes. No matter how hard you tried to hide it. You can’t hide it from me. Your eyes reveal everything. There’s still a part of you that couldn’t let go of Carter. It all takes time, love.” He inhaled and continued talking. “What I’m trying to tell you is that don’t take me as a revenge for Carter, or just an excuse to forget about him. I’m not trying to replace Carter.” I drummed my fingers on his palm. “Take a minute off. And think. Do you really love me?” “Is this really what you wanted?” He stared into my eyes, as if he could stare right through my soul. “Yes, I want you.” I said those word, clearly and confidently, without half hesitation. He blew out the candle on the table and his lips found mine.
“Do you know why God created spaces between our fingers?” He gripped my hand tightly as we move around the dance floor. I shook my head, trying to figure out what answer is Sean going to come up with. “For your fingers to fill in my empty space.” I smiled. The song Flightless Bird, American Mouth is played. I leaned my head on his shoulder, realizing how tall he is. I pointed my toes to touch his nose. “You feel so breakable in my hands you know?” “Handle with care.” “I know, nice to see, nice to hold, once broken consider sold.” “You might not be able to pay for my price.” He chuckled. My favourite sound in the world and it just melts my heart.
“Oh no. I’ve totally forgotten about the time. It’s past my bed time already. Oh no. And tomorrow it’s school day. Oh no, Mom’s gonna kill me. Mom’s gonna kill me. My books …” I was so nervous and afraid of what I might be facing the second I step into my house. I kept on babbling the whole journey back home, the words got mixed up and my tongue even got tangled upon together. When the car finally stopped in front of my house, Sean got out his seat, and pulled me out of the car. I was still babbling, non stop. “Oh my goodness, the lights are still on. Oh no. Oh n..” He kissed me. As he pulled out, I touched my lips that were still wet. “The only way to stop you from talking.” I could see him smile, even in the dark.
Suddenly, a loud bang was heard and somebody pulled Sean away from me. “Get your filthy hands of her, young man!” The voice sounded so familiar. The man hit Sean right at the face and he fell to the ground. I ran over to Sean and looked up at the man. No, dad. Disaster.
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