Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Summer's Tale

Chapter Six: A new leaf.

Goodnight Summer. I love you.” “Love you more Sean.” He took my face in his hands and kissed me passionately. It had been long ago since I had this kind of feeling, of being loved. I felt his lips turned into a smile as my hands dropped down to his waist. He gave me a hug, pulling my body closer, tighter to him. I know he was unwilling to let me go. “Okay, okay, Sean. I’ll see you in the top of morning tomorrow.” I giggled. “Who knows if you’ll run away from me again?” He stroked my hairs gently.

Summer sweetie, are you out there?” The front door creaked and Mom peeped out. “Oops.” Sean moved away from me. “Gotta go love.” “Ciao.” I blew him a kiss and he stepped into his car. “Yes Mom, I’m out here.” I said and skipped into the house in joy. I glanced at his car and Sean waved his hands at me. I smiled and finally closed the door.

Mom stopped me when I rushed up to the stairs. “Summer, do you know what time is it?” “Uh.” My eyes searched for the wall clock. “Eleven thirty.” “Yes, and do you think you own me an explanation?” “Oh.” I forgot that I should be back in home by 5 in the afternoon. Gee, I was late for six hours. “Sean and I went for lunch after school. Then he brought me to the prettiest beach ever. We watched the sun set. Oh Mom, you have no idea how I wished I brought along my DSLR. After that, we went for dinner by the beach. The seafood was totally awesome. We got lost track in time.” “Sounds like you had fun, sweetie?” “Absolutely, Mom.” She smiled at me. “So, can I go to bed now?” I tried to run away before Mom has anymore questions for me. “Summer?” “Yessss… Mom?” I walked down a few steps. “Sean is a nice guy, Summer.” “Yeap, I know.” “But still, remember the rules.” “Yes, Mom.Ugh, mothers. I cursed under my breath.

After getting ready to bed, I crawled down and took out a black box. I opened my drawer and took out all of Carter’s notes. I reread each and every one of them, recalling back the memories behind them for the very last time.

Dear Summer,
… You’re the best thing that ever happened to my life …

… Tell me what happens if distance drifted us apart? …

My dearest Summer,
… You’re still living in a small little world of yours. You haven’t really seen the world outside yet. …

My love,
… I love you so much that I wished I could a better man for you.

I’d hear his voice, so clearly in my head. I could almost feel that he was holding me close, affectionately caressing my face just beside me. I took a deep breathe, wiped off my tears and placed the notes into the black box, deep inside so that I wouldn’t be able to look at them again. I reached out for the photo frame of Carter and I on the study desk. My fingers touched Carter’s face. I smiled at his handsome face, knowing that I wouldn’t see them anymore. I touched them once more and placed it above the notes.

I took out a piece of paper and started writing.

Dear Carter,
Today would be the last day I, Summer Darren ever cry for you. I swore to God that I’m so not gonna regret on my decision. I’m fed up with the Summer who’s caught in the depressed soul of hers. It’s time to break free. It’s time for the sunny Summer to come back.
Bye. Be happy.

P/S: Promises are not meant to be broken.

I’m not gonna regret this right? No, I’m not. I shook my head strongly. No more hesitation Summer, you will live your life. Live a better life. I took the box’s cover, stick the note on it, took a last glance inside it, and finally sealed up the box, and at the same time sealed up all the memories both of us once cherished.

That was the first night, since a very long time ago I smiled before I went to bed and slept soundly without any of the dreadful nightmares waking me in the middle of the night. I closed my eyes and the next second I opened them … rise and shine!

My eyes blinked and I could feel the heat burning on my legs, the sun was blazing outside. I stretched out my body and felt so different. I smiled and agreed on my own thought. Yes, different. I might be in my same old bedroom, like another same old day. No, today is different. Today is a brand new beginning. Today a new leaf would grow. I’ve let out all my anger, all my sadness and all my love for Carter. I’m leaving all of them behind and putting them back of my mind, hidden at a place where hopefully I would forget.

I got up and looked outside the window. It was so sunny, so … cheerful as if welcoming Summer in getting back to her life. I walked into my bathroom and cleaned up. I applied a little of mascara, a little of pink powder on my cheek, a little of lip gloss. Wait. This is too much. I rubbed off my make up and ruined all of them in a second. Or maybe they wouldn’t realize that? I applied the mascaras on my eyes again. Until I’ve repeated doing it for 10 minutes. I laughed at myself in the mirror. Oh silly me. What am I doing? In the end, only the lip gloss. Mmm, I licked them, strawberry flavor.

Then I slipped out of my bathrobe and rushed to pick a suitable outfit. I glanced up at the wall clock nervously. I do have to rush my time. Sean is gonna be here very soon. I got onto a yellow sleeveless dress. Yellow is my lucky color. I searched for a simple rubber band and tied up my hair into a pony tail. I ignored the few hairs that were jingling down my shoulder. I looked into the mirror loads of times, trying to convince myself I look great but every time I left the chair, I just felt uneasy. Finally, fed up with myself, I grabbed my bag pack.

Sean’s car stopped at my front gate. I ran and got in time to open the door for him before he rang the bell. I winked at him cheekily. He looked surprised, might be because of my beauty, or might be because I could read his mind. “Wow.” He finally spoke. “Hey, that’s not the right word.” “Oh sorry, your beauty got me totally mesmerized. It’s like an angel took a stop from heaven.” I laughed at his compliment. “Morning beauty.” His face was hanging his usual smiling look. “Should I say, morning beast?” I giggled. For a sudden I felt warmness in my hands, he grabbed it tightly and we walked towards his car.

Is the difference that obvious?” I asked. The school was just around the corner. “Absolutely. You’re attracting everyone’s attention, even the poor beggar by the road side.” As I was about to turn and look. “Don’t look at him. His staring is pretty scary. Anyway, you really look different, in a good way. I’m glad to see that pretty smile of yours hanging on your face. It’s better like that.” I replied him with a silly smile. “Alright, we’ve reached our destination. Here we are, Wesley High School!” “Oh Sean, when will you ever get enough of your jokes?” Sean would never fail to make me laugh.

People. Staring. Creepy.” I uttered the words one by one softly into Sean’s ears. “You. Looking. Sexy.” He copied the way I talked and I punched lightly on his chest. His muscular chest was hard as rock. I rubbed my fingers. “Ouch?” He teased. He placed his hand on my shoulder and side by side, we stepped into the school building. My face was lightened up with a smile. I was happy, by all heart. I have a really good feeling that things are definitely gonna be so much better from now on, well, as I promised myself it would.

We headed towards our lockers. A chime alike laughter was heard from not far. No doubt that was Kate. Soon, I could see all my friends. They were all there, leaning against their lockers. I haven’t realized they all had actually changed so much. I guess I really did miss out a lot for the past few months. I truly have a lot to catch up. Kate who used to be in pixie size had actually grown a few inches taller. Corinne who used to be the quiet one was actually laughing and chattering so happily with the others. Victoria was leaning her head on Fred’s shoulder. Wow, I didn’t even realize the two of them got together. They used to fight so much because they just never get to agree on anything together, never before. It’s amazing how the enemy turns into the lover. I continued surveying on the others. Then, I turned to Sean. He looked up and our eyes met. For a second, I felt like I was electrified. “Come on, let’s go over there.” I struggled with my steps. Impatiently, Sean pushed my shoulder. As we got nearer, their faint conversations slowly got clearer.

This is a total mess. I don’t believe this. I really don’t.” Kate’s fingers touched her face and she shook her head. “What? April is with Carter?” Fred asked and his voice was pretty loud. “Lower your voice, Fred!” Victoria shouted at him. “I meant, seriously, how on earth they got together?” Fred asked again, with a questioning look on his face. “Hush, Summer’s coming.” Corinne hushed Fred and all of them turned to me. “Morning everybody. What were you guys talking about few seconds ago?” Sean greeted them with a smile, while I leaned nervously to him. “Oh nothing really.” Kate waved her hands. “Oh come on, what’s to hide?” Sean nudged her. “April is dating with Carter.” Fred suddenly blurted out. They all turned away from me. I guessed everyone was getting ready to take off before my tears were about to stream out. “Guys … I don’t give a damn about that guy anymore.” I gave them a cheerful smile. They were all surprised that those words came out from my voice and hesitated for a few moments, thinking of what to say. “So, does this mean Summer Darren is back?” Kate asked with joy in her tone. “Carter Smith is no one but an ex-boyfriend of mine, people.” Sean laid both of his hands on my shoulder. I glanced up at him and laughed.

Hooray!” They all shouted in excitement. Kate and Corinne jumped up to me and hugged me so tightly. “Girls, Summer’s bone are cracking!” Sean teased. If it wasn’t for Sean, they really wouldn’t let me go. I smiled in relief. “You have no idea how overjoyed I am feeling now, sweetie!” Kate said. “Yes yes, I do. I know everyone misses Summer.” I laughed. “But honestly, I was sort of disappointed cause’ I thought that you and Carter could join Fred and I for the couple outing. Sounds like I don’t need to ask anymore. Too bad, your loss Summer.” I sensed some sarcastic tone as Victoria joked at me. “Ha, as if yours’ could last! But I’ve already got myself a better one.” Sean beamed. “You gotta be kidding me. That fast? You kick one off and you got another one immediately. Who’s the lucky guy?” Victoria’s question caught all of the others’ attention. “Huh. I thought you guys would have realized the second I came in.” They were still with the same weird look. “The best friend you all have known for years!” “SEAN!” They all shouted so loud, so loud that it might be enough for my ears to explode and following by a roar of laughter.

Six of us, me, Sean, Kate, Corrine, Victoria and Fred all sat together during lunch break. And they were being extremely chatty than ever. “This is a big deal, really. Summer’s back. We should make a celebration.” Kate suggested and I almost choked on my milk. “You serious? You want popping champagne, disco ball and all those?” “Sounds perfect to me.” She giggled. “Still the same old Kate. Always filled with celebrations and parties.” Sean chuckled under his breath. “Really, that’s not such of a bad idea technically.” Sean agreed. “I thought you were on my side?” I looked at him, pleading for his help. He raised up his hand, signaling he gave up and mouthed don’t get me into trouble, guys. The others laughed. “Wait, Summer your birthday is just this weekend right?” Corrine asked and I nodded unwillingly. “This Saturday to be exact.” Sean added and I glared at him. “You better watch out mister.” They oohed and aahed. “You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout, I’m telling you why. Summer is coming back to town!” Fred sang and eventually everyone burst into laughter, leaving me hiding my face in Sean’s arm. “Please Summer? You don’t need to do anything, just leave it to us!” Kate pulled my shirt and begged me. I couldn’t stand her pleading eyes. “Well technically, the thing I hate the most is, I don’t need to do anything. But, I guess a little celebration wouldn’t harm …” Kate shrieked before I even got to finish my line. Then, she immediately started whispering to the others on their plan. Sean touched my face gently and said, “It won’t be that bad, love.” His words calmed the butterflies which were fluttering in my stomach.

As the others were chattering excitedly about my celebration, I ignored them and looked around the café. Suddenly, April and Carter came into my sight. And they were walking straight towards my direction! Carter’s eyes flicked to mine. Immediately, I avoided making eye contact with him and looked down at my food. I knew I wasn’t ready for this. Not yet. I bite my fingers nervously. My body started to shake and I could feel cold perspirations forming on my forehead. Sean turned to me with a worried look. “What’s wrong Summer? Your lips are so white.” He traced the shape of my lips with his fingers. “Here comes the diva.” “With her prince charming.” I closed my ears tightly, ignoring the sound of their footsteps getting nearer and nearer. “Be brave Summer. You’ve got over Carter already remember? You need to show him that you’re happy with your life too. Without him.” Sean’s words gave me strength. And so, I took a deep breathe, straightened up my body and wiped off the sweats from my foreheads. Just in time before April reached our table.

Hi, Summer.” “Yello!” My cheerful voice startled her. “Um, wow you’re in good mood.” “More than ever.” I replied with a smile. “Um okay, so the cheerleader team appeared to have an empty place and we’re in need of one cheerleader, urgently. I wonder if you’re interested in joining us? I heard that you’re pretty good in dancing.” I doubt that she was really complimenting me. “Hmm, how bout that fellow friends?” I turned to their faces. “That would be absolutely awesome Summer. You always wanted to be in the cheerleader team. Now the captain came to ask you personally!” Kate shrieked. “Can I ask my other girlfriends?” “No. If you did hear me, I said there’s only ONE empty place. And we’re only in need of ONE cheerleader.” She emphasized on the word ‘one’. “Sean?” “As long as you don’t hurt yourself. Anything would be fine with me, love. Who doesn’t love a hot cheerleader as their girlfriend eh?” I laughed, Carter frowned and his eyebrows wrinkled together when he heard the word ‘girlfriend’. April stopped him before he could say anything. “So?” “I’ll say. Why not give it a try?” “Great. We’re having practice everyday after school until 5. Are you able to make it?” “Yeap, I’ll be on time.” “Oh don’t get so excited first. Every new cheerleader has to success in doing every skill, to satisfy our coach during the tryout. Then you’re only officially on the team. So be ready.” “I’ll be ready then.” “Just to remind you, it’s typically difficult.” And she walked away from our table with her hand gripping Carter’s arm hard, as if Carter did not intend to leave. She swung her body left to right all the way, attracting every guy's attention. Their eyes never left from April until she sat down at her table. Wow, so cheerleading eh, sounds great to start off your new life Summer. A tiny voice spoke from my heart.

Question 25. Diagram 12 shows three stages of meiosis.” It was Mrs. Tina’s Biology. Most of the students were concentrating on her lesson, Cell Division. Except for Theo who’s eyes were dreaming around the classroom. He stared blankly at the thin air as if hoping he can vanish into them this very second. Theo isn’t a smart kid. But he could be counted as smart for those who never care about school and exams. He’s arrogant and he has the worst attitude I’ve ever knew. He never listens during class and don’t need to say, he doesn’t respect the teachers as well. He has a spiky brown hair and thick eye brows. From head to toe, you can name at least 10 different brands. Yes, he’s the kind who speaks the material language. And what I hate the most about Theo is, there’s never a smile on his face.

Alright enough about Theo, let’s get back to Biology.

Theo, can you answer question 25 for me?” Every teacher love to pick him to answer questions, even though they know Theo doesn’t give a damn to answer any of them. But they still do so. “Summer Darren knows it all, why don’t you ask her?” Theo pointed at me with his long index finger. The whole class turned and looked at me. I nearly jumped up from my seat. I wondered if people can realize my cheeks were burning. “Ah yes. Miss Darren. We’ve haven’t hear from you lately. Why don’t you try?” I nodded my head. “Miss Darren, what happens to the chromosomes at stage H?” “The homologous chromosomes separate and move to the opposite poles.” I was surprised by my answer. “Excellent Miss Darren, good job. That’s the perfect answer!” Mrs. Tina slightly clapped her hands. Theo gawked at me. I did nothing but grinned at him.

Throughout the whole day of school, I realize I was able to cope up with the lessons so easier, without anything distracting my mind. The teachers all looked glad that every time I would be the first to answer their questions. I almost expected Mrs. Yale saying, welcome back to school Summer when she praised me for answering her literature question.

What a day!” I sighed when the bell finally rang. “Genius, do you really need to answer every teacher’s question?” Sean helped me with my books. “No. Not really, if there were another person to answer them.” He shook his head and I giggled. “Oh god. Sean. You know being genius is tough. Really. I’m extremely exhausted now.” We were almost at Sean’s car now. “I don’t even need to try, I can see that.” When he was about to get in the car, he turned to me. “Hey. Hand me your bag.” He opened his car door and threw my bag onto the seat. “Where are we heading?” He remained silent and took my hand. “I’ll send your bag back to your house later.” He stopped walking right in front of our school. “Come on. Get on my back.” He crouched down to the ground and patted his back. “Wha..t?” I wondered if I heard the wrong thing. “You, serious?” “Come on. Climb on my back.” “But I’m heavy!” He snickered. “Yeah right, if that’s it. I should be suffering from obese and heart attack already. Come on!” Sean patted his back and urged me again. I jumped up his back and he got in time to grab my legs. “Off we go.” I giggled and threw my hands over his neck. He held me protectively to his body and had no problem at all carrying me. “Take a nap love. It might cure your extreme exhaustion.” “Sean, the school is so far away from my house.” “Just shut up and close your eyes okay. I promise I’ll take you home before the sun sets.” My eyes still remained open. “I said sleep Summer.” “Fine.” I made a silly face and leaned my head on his shoulder. Slowly, my eyelid felt heavy and fell down …

Wake up pineapple.” I blinked as my eyes struggled to open. “Told ya I’ll bring you home before the sun sets. Look over there!” Sean let me down from his back. The sun started to set at the west, and the whole sky is painted in reddish orange. “Don’t move.” And I stood still. “Close your eyes…” I could feel his face moving closer to my face. He exhaled and I could feel his breath. “No peeking!” I giggled. “What are you doing Sean?” My heart was racing. “Don’t move.” His soft lips touched my forehead, my eyes, my cheek and down to my lips. Seconds later, he just vanished. And I couldn’t feel him anymore. I opened my eyes and saw Sean running towards the opposite direction. I laughed. “Sean, my bag!

I lied on my bed, hugging the smiley pillow and thought about my day. It’s funny how things change so differently. Only one day ago, I was still crying bitterly and mourning over my wounds. Now, not even 24 hours yet, I was smiling so sweetly, without any worries, sadness at all, smiling so sweetly on the guy who would be providing me the happiness I needed. A guy who had never crossed my mind before, yet now he’s stuck in there. And I’m not letting him out.

No, never the same mistake again.

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