Thursday, December 10, 2009


Summer's Tale

Chapter Three: Horror and despair.

Kate, I rather not listen to your explanation. Why? Because I absolutely understand the circumstances you’re facing. And I know, nobody can stand looking at my sickening face. So, I’ll just vanish from your sight. I’m not going to let my insaneness ruining your perfect life.” Kate stared at me in horror as I spilled everything out in front of her. I know I had been the troublesome one. And I don’t want that to ruin everybody’s life. “And Kate? Thanks for being my best friend all along.” Without waiting for Kate’s reply, I walked away.

I ran up to my hiding spot. I needed to get out from the crowd. I needed to be alone. I stared up the sky, it looked all so gloomy today. Then, it started drizzling. I stood still, as it continued raining heavily. I felt weaker and weaker. The rain drops hitting on my face. I felt pain. Pins and needles ran up the back of my neck and a lump in my throat threatened to choke me. Slowly, I collapsed to the ground. Drown me. Make the pain go away, please. I closed my eyes, waiting for my last breath. My time is up. Death had never felt so welcoming to me, as I tried to reach out for it. Seconds later, darkness hit upon me.

Vividly, I could hear heavy footsteps approaching me. “Summer, Summer.” I could hear my mom’s worried voice. I could picture her face, eyebrows furrowed, forehead wrinkled with worry. “Can you hear me, Summer?” Sean’s warm hand was holding mine. I struggled to open my eyes, but they refused to obey, they remained tight closed. “Summer, wake up. I’m so sorry, Summer. Let me see you smile again, please.” It was Kate. I wanted to speak and tell Kate everything is fine. But my lips remained unsealed.

Tick tock tick tock.

The strong smell of medicine and the blinding white walls, I was in the hospital. But why had I ended up here? I tried to rewind back, but my head hurts as I started thinking. I looked around. The room was empty. There were flowers and get-well-soon cards on the table. How long had I been unconscious? I tried to get up but with all the needles on my hands, it was difficult.

Summer, hey wait, what are you doing? Trying to make an escape from the hospital?” Sean ran to my side and stopped me. “Sean, why am I here?” “You really don’t remember a thing?” “I remembered screaming at Kate and I got up to my hiding spot. It was raining. I lay on the ground. I thought I was going to die. Then, I ended up here.” “You truly were going to die, Summer. We couldn’t find you anywhere. Until somebody told us you might be up at that hiding spot of yours. When we found you, you were already unconscious. And you were having a really high fever. The doctor said you could have gone into a coma if we were just a few seconds late… ” “Wait. Wait, Sean! Nobody knows my hiding spot. ” It couldn’t be him. I looked at Sean’s face. He was hesitating whether or not to tell the truth. “SEAN!” “Carter knew.” I took a deep breathe as I heard his name.

After so many days, I still couldn’t get over the fact that Carter had been there. It’s like so impossible. I wanted to talk to him, in second thought, or maybe not. Well, a thank you wouldn’t harm right? He had been my lifesaver whichever how. How bad would it possibly turned out to be?

The door made a squeaking sound as I opened it and found out that the house was empty. Usually by this time, Mom would be in the kitchen preparing for our dinner. But the house was in complete silence. Never mind that, Dad should be home any minute.

I went into my bathroom. Looking at the reflection of myself in the mirror, I’ve really been in a mess. My hairs were all tangled upon together. I could see dark circles beneath my eyes. I’ve never got a good sleep for quite a long time. I decided to have a warm bath to soothe out my depressed feelings. As the water splashed on my face, tears rolled down my cheeks. I shouldn’t have made that move. This is all just a big, silly mistake.

The warm bath didn’t manage to make things better. I sat on my bed and stared blankly around my room. My eyes fell on a photo of us. It was during the school dance last year. I remembered how we swirled around the dance floor, how hard I laughed as I was a really bad dancer, and I kept stepping on his toes. His hand was on my waist and I was resting my head on his shoulder, and my eyes were locked on his. People changes as the time go. Those hurtful words he said this afternoon, eventually torn my heart into million of pieces. I was just trying to be nice …

There he was, leaning against his locker. I gathered all my courage and took a step ahead. He looked at me, in disgust. “Carter, can I talk to you?” “Is there still anything left for us to talk?” His words were like swords, too sharp for my heart to handle. I held on to my tears. “Thank you for saving me the other day.” “Yeah.” He replied in a cold tone, his eyes never looking at me. And he left.

I thought that there would be a day that I would be back in his arms again. When he turned his back on me, my dreams were left scattered. I know he hated me a lot and he’s never going to forgive me. How I wished I could take back all the horrible words I’ve said to him. Now, all that was left was a bundle of memories.

I cried till I fell asleep. I woke up a few times in the middle of the night. I don’t know what time it was but it was still dark so I assumed it wasn’t morning yet. I could have got up and went in the kitchen for a drink, or it might have been just a dream. I have no idea. My head felt so heavy and dizzy most of the time.

The phone rang for so many times. I wonder why nobody is picking it. I was annoyed and ran downstairs. Odd, I find the living room still the same as I left it the night before. The lights were still on. I guess Mom and Dad did not came back home at all. I picked up the phone and the line went dead. I counted how many seconds would it takes for the person to call back, when I counted ten for the third time and was about to give up, the phone finally rang.

Hello?” Who the heck is this? “Excuse me. Who is on the line please?” This is so ridiculous. “Who is this?!” I have no patience for this kind of joke. “Tut… tut…” The person hanged up the phone. I cursed him under my breath.

I looked at the clock. 8.30 a.m. Maybe I should check out what my parents are up to. I dialed my Mom’s phone. “Mom, where are you?” “OH, Summer!” She said in astonishment, as if an old friend of hers called to catch up her life or something. “I’m so sorry, Summer. Your dad and I met up with our ex-school mates. We had an awesome lunch together. Summer, do you remember Uncle Jim…” Mom continued babbling. I wasn’t really listening to what she said. From time to time, I made some noises in respond that I was still there. When she finally said goodbye, I only realized that my parents had actually gone travelling without notifying their daughter. Or plan to.

I was supposed to be in school at this time. But I couldn’t possibly face my friends in my sickening face. I wouldn’t want to face Carter either and vise versa. For most of the time, I just sat, daydreaming or wandering around the house. There’s nothing much to do. I ate when my stomach grumbled for food. I slept when my eyelids started to fall. The hours just seemed to pass by without me knowing what time it was already.

I stared outside the window. The sky was getting dark. I need to get out of this place. I need to feel joy and happiness. I do, desperately. I know just exactly who can bring me to them.

Victoria, are you free tonight?


I started coughing when Victoria brought me in to Judith’s Pub. It was stuffy inside, with no ventilation or air conditioning at all, and I find it really difficult to breathe in the smoky air. Practically everyone around me seemed to be smoking and my eyes felt so stingy. I was hesitating is this where I should be? Victoria pulled me in before I could run. “Believe me, Summer, you will have the best night ever here. Just push away all your pain and enjoy.” Her voice terrified me. She left me at the bar and dashed off. I felt really uneasy. I took a sip at my drink and looked around. I don’t know what I am looking for, because none of the familiar faces I know would appear out of this place.

A tall and dark handsome guy approached me. “Vodka and Coke, two please.” He grinned at me. “For the beautiful lady.” I smiled shyly. Richard is such a friendly person. He’s so easy to talk to. Even though we only knew each other for a few hours, I felt like I can tell him about everything. So we went on and on talking about our life, friends and families. I’d seldom confess the truths to people, especially to strangers. But Richard is just so different.

I looked at my watch. It was half past midnight already. “Hey, Richard thanks for the night. It had been nice talking to you. But time flies when we have fun. I gotta run, handsome.” I tried to get up from the seat. I wobbled. My head felt so dizzy. I think I had too much. But come on. Vodka and Coke, how drunk can I be? Richard laughed. “Why don’t I give you a ride? Drink and drive is illegal, ya know?” “How thoughtful of you, Richard.” I teased him. He helped me to get up and half carried me out of the pub.

I wouldn’t stop laughing insanely on his tales. Richard was telling me the incident his ex dumped him because a lady tripped over him. He said his ex-girlfriend wouldn’t believe that was an accident. In fact, she thinks that Richard wanted to have a peek at the lady’s underwear.

I threw up a few times. Thank goodness Richard was there to help me, or else I might have fallen into the drain.

I realized the pathway was getting darker. “Richard, I thought your car was just outside the pub?” “Yeah, I know. I was thinking about taking a longer way to get there.” “Oh.” I smiled. Suddenly, Richard pushed me towards the wall. He was so near me, I could even smell his breath. Ew. Vodka and Coke. “Get off me Richard, you’re heavy.” I thought he was just fooling around. He kept his hand firmly on the wall. “Sorry to disappoint you Summer, but I am the bad guy.” His eyes looked so scary. Seconds later, his lips crushed onto mine, roughly.

I struggled to get away but his hands were holding my waist tightly, I couldn’t move an inch. I tried to scream but his lips were glued to mine, I could hardly breathe. His lips ran over to my shoulder, I kicked his legs and started running. I keep looking in front. It’s almost the corner. There would be people. I can make it, I know I can.

I lost my balance and I fell. My knees were bleeding. I can hear Richard’s footstep getting nearer. I felt so tired and I just don’t have the energy to stand up. How can the friendly and gentle Richard turn into this kind of beast? “There you are sugar.” I started screaming. Why isn’t anybody passing through this lane? Why couldn’t anyone hear me? As Richard reached his hands out, I knew there’s no more hope.

I heard a car braked just in front of the lane. A familiar shadow ran towards me. He punched hardly on Richard’s face. Richard’s nose started to bleed. He immediately ran away. The familiar shadow did not chase upon him. He held me close. “Summer, it’s over. He’s gone. He’s gone.” My whole body was shaking. My heart was beating wildly. “Sean, oh Sean.

Sean never left his hand away from my shoulder all the way back home. He stayed up the whole night with me. He held my hand tightly. He wouldn’t stop whispering softly into my ears, “You’re safe Summer.” He knew I was in the state of shock. Coldness ran through my neck as the horrible incident flashed over my mind once again. I cried and I never stop.

How worse can my life go? Carter, why did you let me go? My life is in horror and despair.

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