Thursday, December 10, 2009


Summer's Tale

Chapter Two: Miracle.

Mom, I’m not crazy alright?!” I shrieked when she told me she was bringing me for a mental check up. Holy Christ, so to my parents now, I’ve gone insane? “You’ve skip breakfast and dinner. Look at you, how many pounds have you lost for the last one week? There got to be something wrong with you.” “I’m perfectly fine, mom. I just don’t have the appetite to eat.” I’m so not going to the hospital. “You never lose your appetite, Summer! I can hear you screaming in the middle of the night! You locked yourself in your room every time you come back from school! Summer …” “I don’t care. I’m not going!” “You have no choice, Summer.” I ran into my room and locked the door before mom could do anything. “Summer Darren, young lady, you open the door now!” Dad shouted angrily. Damn, since when did he come back?

I’m not having any mental problem. Well, love sick doesn’t count right?

Final exam is coming. And I’m not going to let this madness of yours to destroy everything we’ve done for you Summer.” Dad continued babbling on. “A really bright future is on your hand. You can not destroy it. Do you know how high hopes we have on you?” I’m sorry Dad, seems like I’m not the genius you’re looking for. I started packing. Yes, I’m running away from home.

I grabbed for my phone and dialed Kate’s number. “Kate, you have to help me out. Can I stay at your house for a few days?” “What? Who’s there?” “Kate, it’s Summer, I need your help!” Loud music were banging through the phone. “Summer, oh. Sorry, I don’t have time to listen to your crying about Carter. So, buzz off could you?” Kate hanged up on me. Kate … I couldn’t believe this. What the heck, even my best friend gave up on me? “Please leave your message after the beep.” Corinne’s not picking up my phone, where is she? … God, I felt so hopeless. My dad’s probably going to knock down my door soon.


I’ll be there in a minute.” “Thanks, Sean.” I felt so grateful when I heard Sean’s voice on the phone. I knew he’ll always be there for me. Weird, dad wasn’t banging on the door anymore, mom wasn’t screaming for my name anymore.

Mom, Dad, I’m sorry. I need time to think through all this. Don’t worry about me. I’m not going to do anything reckless or irresponsible. I’ll call you guys when I’m feeling better.

Love, Summer.

I heard Sean’s car behind the yard. I opened up the window and climbed down my two storey house. Mom and dad were arguing in the kitchen. “How long had it been since you sat down and talk to your daughter?” “You were with her every day, and you don’t know what caused all this shit!” I covered up my ears. I’ve got enough with them. I ran towards Sean’s car and my vision got all blurred when I finally got into the seat. Seconds later, my cheeks felt wet and I only realize then, I was crying. Sean said nothing throughout the whole journey. Sometimes he would place his hand on my shoulder. Sometimes he would put his hand on mine. But, all the while, he remained silent. He knew I needed time to think it through. He knew silence was all I needed now.

We’re home, Summer.” “Okay.” My voice sounded so hoarse. He handed me a tissue and gave me a one-arm hug. “Gee, Summer how many pounds have you lost?” “I don’t know the exact number, but I guess a few.” “Eating is the favorite past time in the Conner's family. And part of our house rules too.” “Sean, I really don’t have the appetite to eat.” “Guess I’ll have to make you then even if I need to feed you.” I giggled. “Summer, do you know you look a lot better when you’re smiling?” I sighed. “I miss the old time you.” “Me too, Sean. If I were to know what was about to happen, I wouldn’t even take a step to fall in love.” “You can never stop love from coming huh.” “Yeah, and I’m sorry about all the sobbing and stuffs.” “No problem at all, Summer.” He stroked my hair gently. I knew I was supposed to feel odd about this but, it felt so nice. “Umm,” I tried to push his hands away from my face. “Sean, have you told your parents yet?” “Yes, they won’t mind a bit.” “Okay. Can we go in?” “Sure sure.

Sean’s father, Taylor Conner, made a really delicious dinner for all of us. He used to be a famous cook in our small town. I couldn’t stand myself from all the tasty foods anymore. “Wow kid, you do eat a lot.” I laughed; Whereas Sean’s mother, Jean Coleman, is a sweet lady. She welcomed me with a warm hug and said, “Summer, we understand everything, don’t worry.” A few drop of tears wetted her shoulder, I hope she didn’t noticed that.


I excused myself from the dining room as an urge of sadness hit upon me. It would be really embarrassing enough to break down in front of the Conner’s family. Nobody can bear with me as I start crying. I couldn't stand looking at them. They reminded me of how my family used to be. Happy.

Slowly I pushed open the door and walked into Sean’s backyard. It feels a little bit chilly outside. I cuddled myself tighter into my sweater. I sighed and a cold breath came out of my mouth. I stared up into the sky. Glittering stars with the bright moon, it dimed up the whole dark sky. I’ve haven’t notice them for quite a while. That, was a common interest we used to share.

Summer, you love shooting stars right?” “Who doesn’t?” We had always stayed up late together, waiting for the beautiful shooting star to light up the dark sky. I didn’t care if I were that lucky to witness such miracle to happen, because Carter had been the best thing that ever happened to my life, he’s a miracle. And that’s enough for me to live for the rest of my life. “What would you wish for if you see one?” “I’m pretty greedy, so there had always been a few wishes. I’m still considering on picking which one of them.” To be with Carter forever and ever, had been the first on my wishing list. “I can give you more than one wish.” “Don’t be silly, Carter.” “Believe me, you’ll witness the miracle tonight. And I promise, you can wish for more than one.” “It couldn’t possibly be the meteor shower right?” “You are good at guessing honey.

We stayed up all night for the miracle to happen. “I’ll wake you up when it starts to rain.” “I thought we were waiting for the shooting stars?” “Yes. Remember it’s called the meteor shower.” I laughed and closed my eyes as he held me tighter. “Summer, Summer baby. It’s raining.” I opened my eyes. And was so amazed by the majestic scene. The meteors were coming from all directions and angles – it was dizzying and overwhelming and beautiful. There were so many of them. I couldn’t even count, maybe 300, or maybe even 3000. Both of us stared up at the sky and made our wishes. He kissed me on my cheek and whispered I love you into my ears.

Suddenly I felt so warm. Somebody covered me with another jacket. I turned and look. “It’s pretty chilly out here.” Sean sat beside me. “So why did you came out here for a sudden?” I remained silence, figuring whether I should lie or not. When I was about to open my mouth, Sean placed his finger on my lips. “Hush. Don’t try and lie to me, Summer.” I was shocked. How did he know I was about to lie? “I can’t keep anything from you huh, Sean?” “No way.” We both stared up into the sky, deep in our own thoughts.

Does it still hurt a lot?” “Mm-hmm. Worse than you can ever imagine.” “Carter does mean a lot to you huh?” “He is my life.” “You’ll find a better one.” “That’s what everyone keeps telling me.” “You will.” “But I don’t want to. Don’t start this all over with me, Sean.” “But why?” “It’s unexplainable.” “Words are made out of alphabets, how difficult can it be?” “Have you ever felt so much pain as if your life had been snatched away, and left nothing but a lifeless soul? Have you ever felt so much regret that you couldn’t even stand it anymore? Have you ever felt so broken hearted to utter all those words when you knew that it would hurt the one you love the most, so deep? Have you ever felt like dying knowing the one you love the most think of you as nothing but another stranger?!” I gasped for air. Shocked by my sudden reaction, I broke down. “I do, Summer.” Sean held me close and let me cried all my sadness out. He was the only one I could count on in this time being. He wrapped his arms around me. “You do have lot of buckets of tears eh.” I wanted to smile, but I failed.


Sean,” I have nightmares. Damn, what should I say? “Yes?” “Sean, I …” I struggled on the words I wanted to say. “What’s wrong?” “Sean, can you, stay with me? I have nightmares. I know this might sound ridiculous, but I do scream a lot in my dreams.” “I’ll be here.” “Thanks. Thanks for everything, Sean.” “My pleasure.” “You’re a great guy, Sean.” “I know.” I laughed quietly and fell asleep.

I couldn’t stand a second of silence with you anymore! The feeling is gone alright? Now get out of my life!” He stood there motionlessly as I screamed over his face, trying to fight back the tears. “I’m breaking up with you! Can you hear me?” I ran away without a thought of turning back anymore. I couldn’t stand looking at Carter’s face. I know myself too well, I might give up on the decision I’ve made. And so I continued running. It hurts me to think I’ve uttered those words that cut me through the core. It hurts me to think I’ve said those cruel words, which might haunt me every night before I go to sleep, to the one whom I love the most. Carter, I’m sorry on everything I’ve done. Go on, hate me.

I woke up in horror, trying to find a way to breathe. I dabbed away the tears that were about to fall again. “It wasn’t that bad. It wasn’t that bad, Summer.” I tried to calm myself down. I turned my face around. I could see Sean. He was sleeping soundly, laying his head and his arm on my bed. His face looked so relax. Like there isn’t anything to worry at all, he even smiled in his sleep. I smiled, knowing that he kept his promise, he stayed with me. I reached out and touched his hand. I listened to him, breathing evenly, as I went deep into my sleep.

No matter what happens, Sean will always be there for me. Even if the world gave up on me, at least I still have Sean. He’s another miracle. I laughed at my own thought.

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